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About Ziggy Rafiq

About Ziggy Rafiq

Ziggy Rafiq aims to share his journey as a Full Stack Designer, Developer, Tester, and DevOps. Ziggy Rafiq will highlight how he started and evolved in this field and discuss the strategies that helped Ziggy Rafiq stay abreast of industry changes and best practices.

To assist readers with their own projects or tasks, ZiggyRafiq will be providing code samples, demo projects, and templates that they can utilize. In addition, Ziggy Rafiq will delve into the Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) and DevOps to help readers understand these concepts better.

It is worth noting that the information on Ziggy Rafiq’s blog represents Ziggy Rafiq’s own views, thoughts, and wording. Ziggy Rafiq is excited to share his professional knowledge with anyone who wishes to learn or explore the field of Software Production.

Ziggy Rafiq Background 

Ziggy Rafiq is a highly accomplished Technical Lead Developer with a vast experience of over 18 years. Ziggy Rafiq has successfully led complex technical projects utilizing multiple programming languages, software tools, and development methodologies such as, C#, HTML5, CSS3/SCSS, JavaScript/jQuery, TypeScript, Core, SQL, Entity Framework Core, Angular, React, and Agile Kanban or Scrum.

Ziggy Rafiq's proficiency in software development technologies and tools has been honed over the years, and Ziggy Rafiq is well-versed with the latest industry standards and best practices. Ziggy Rafiq’s technical leadership abilities have been instrumental in delivering successful projects, and his expertise in Agile Kanban or Scrum methodologies has ensured timely and budget-friendly project deliveries.

With extensive knowledge of programming languages and development tools, Ziggy Rafiq has developed robust and scalable software solutions. Ziggy Rafiq has designed and developed complex web applications using and C# and created responsive and intuitive user interfaces using JavaScript/jQuery, TypeScript, and other front-end technologies. Ziggy Rafiq has also designed and implemented efficient databases using SQL and Entity Framework Core, and created modern and dynamic web applications using Angular, React, and other frameworks.

Ziggy Rafiq's technical expertise and passion for software development have driven Ziggy Rafiq to expand his career by exploring new avenues such as Solution Architecture and the latest cloud technologies offered by AWS and Azure. Ziggy Rafiq is seeking opportunities to work with enterprise-level applications and complex software systems to deepen his knowledge of Solution Architecture.

Ziggy Rafiq is actively learning about the latest advancements in cloud technologies and is excited to apply his knowledge to build cutting-edge solutions for his clients. Ziggy Rafiq has also been working on his own lightweight CSS 3 Framework called Genius, which is highly customizable and ideal for building modern and responsive web applications. This project can be found on Ziggy Rafiq's GitHub profile, demonstrating Ziggy Rafiq's dedication and passion for software development.

Disclaimer: Please remember that the content in Ziggy Rafiq’s blog is written by Ziggy Rafiq himself and as a Dyslexic person from time to time Ziggy Rafiq can make grammar mistakes. If you do find any of these kinds of mistakes please reach out to Ziggy Rafiq all content on Ziggy Rafiq’s blog posts and sites is copyrighted to Ziggy Rafiq.


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A Complete Guide to Using GUIDs in C# with Code Examples

  Overview In this post, we are looking at GUIDs (Globally Unique Identifiers), which are widely used in C# for generating unique identifiers for objects, entities, and resources in a system. In this post, we'll explore the basics of GUIDs in C#, their advantages, and how to convert strings to GUIDs. In this post, we have used Guid Generator to create the GUID from the following URL Address What is GUID GUID (Globally Unique Identifier) in C# is a 128-bit value that is used to identify objects, entities, or resources in a unique manner across different systems and applications. It is also known as UUID (Universally Unique Identifier) in some other programming languages.   GUIDs are generated using a combination of unique factors such as the MAC address of the network adapter, the current time and date, and a random number. The resulting GUID is a string of 32 hexadecimal digits separated by hyphens, such as "b86f2096-237a-4059-8329-1bbcea72769b...

How to Truncate String in C#

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